Debt Navigator Project

During the course of the pandemic, Govan Law Centre saw a significant increase in enquiries in relation to money worries and problem debt as people became increasing concerned about their finances against a back drop of uncertainty.  

A restriction on face to face meeting meant that we had to adapt our service to continue to reach those in need of support to deal with their concerns about money and debt and we were delighted when we were awarded Scottish Legal Aid Board (SLAB) funding, currently for a 2 year project, to improve free debt and money advice.

We have developed a platform that has a wide range of information and templates to help you tackle your money worries alongside a live webchat function that allows you to interact with our Money Advisers who are able to offer advice and guidance to anyone throughout Scotland.  

For those accessing the platform that require ongoing money advice casework support, our team are able to open a file and provide ongoing assistance to those that live and work in Glasgow.  For those elsewhere in Scotland we can help make a referral to an appropriate agency in your local area for ongoing support and assistance, to help you achieve a sustainable solution to your debt worries.

You can visit our Debt Navigator site at :  

Please follow the onscreen prompts if you require to chat with one of our Money Advisers.

Project delivery area: Webchat (Scotland wide) Ongoing casework (Glasgow) 

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