Scottish Law Commission visits GLC to discuss mortgage repossessions

The Scottish Law Commission visited Govan Law Centre today to discuss the reform and consolidation of the law on mortgage repossession in Scotland.
We are grateful to commissioner Andrew Steven and project manager Andy Crawley and legal assistant Kay Cuthbertson for coming to consult us. They are at the very start of the process to consider how they will frame the reform process, the questions they need to ask and the time frame they need to reform the law. They were interested in hearing our substantive views too.
GLC have over 2 decades of experience in representing people with mortgages particular those that get into difficulties and who are then threatened with repossession. We also have won some very important test cases over the years
The project aims are to bring clarity, simplicity, certainty and accessibility to the law. Law relating to mortgage repossessions goes back to 1970 (in fact even before that). So GLC welcome any attempt to bring the law up-to-date.
Amongst the issues raised by GLC we discussed pre-action protocols; time limits for calling up notices and decrees and expenses claims. Although we had an informal and wide ranging discussion.
It was a useful and interesting discussion and the dialogue between us will continue.
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